# 核心词汇

expertise 专业知识
evolve 逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变
embodied 呈现,具体表达(embody 的过去式及过去分词形式)
disruptive 引起混乱的,扰乱性的
cognitive 认知的
peripheral 无关紧要的
deter 制止,威慑
innovation 改革,创新
renovate 翻新
mutually 相互
hygiene 卫生(hygienic 卫生的)
sanitation 卫生设备,卫生设施体系
symbiotic 共生的
unravelling 解开,解决
alleviate 减缓
afflict 折磨
eliminate 消除
obsession 折衷,痴迷
obesity 肥胖
unglamorous 平淡无奇的
halt 停止
luminescent 发光的
illuminate 照亮,照射,解释,阐释
luminaries 有影响的人物
gloomy 阴暗的
detriment 有害的
hybrid 混合的
confined 受限的
derive 获得,起源,产生
deprive 剥夺,使丧失
subsequent 随后的

# 同义替换

转瞬即逝的 transient,instant
不重要的 peripheral,trivial,unimportant,unnecessary
翻修 renovate,refurbish,renew

# 看看就好

prey 猎物
subduing 制服
theorems 定理
enhancements 提高
novice 初学者
amateur 业余,外行
creep 爬动
creep into 潜入
trajectory 弹道,轨道
fallacy 谬论
inflammatory 使人激愤的,炎症的
inflation 通货膨胀
swell 膨胀
allergies 过敏
detergents 洗涤剂

# 阅读刷题计划

# 总结题

# J16T1P3 Q31-34

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-G, below.

# J16T2P2 Q17-20

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-H, below.

Our obsession with hygiene, our overuse of antibiotics and our unhealthy, low-fibre diets are disrupting the bacterial balance and may be responsible for soaring rates of allergies and immune problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

For example, there are studies indicating that the excessive use of household detergents and antibacterial products actually destroys the microbes that normally keep the more dangerous germs at bay.

However, there is a growing problem. Our poor 19._____ , our overuse of antibiotics, and our excessive focus on 20._____ are upsetting the bacterial balance and may be contributing to the huge increase in allergies and immune system problems.

答案:nutrition,cleanliness(本题极具迷惑性,注意卫生这一块一点都不 poor,真正 poor 的是哪些,哪些是过度的 focus)

# 判断题

# J17T1P1 Q7-13

The carriages were narrow and had tiny windows just below the roof because it was thought that passengers would not want to look out at the tunnel walls.

The windows on City & South London trains were at eye level.

定位 windows,city & south London,因为文中写道人们不想看到隧道的墙壁,所以窗户必然不会与人们的视线平齐。

# 段落匹配题

Which section contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.

  1. examples of the wide range of facilities available at some new stadiums( )


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