# 6.13 阅读写作课

spawn /spɔːn/ 产卵,引发,引起,导致,造成
endorsement /ɪnˈdɔːsmənt/ 背书;(公开的) 赞同,支持,认可,宣传,代言
pebble 鹅卵石
palate /ˈpælət/ 上颚,味觉
velocity 速度
vicinity 附近的
ethnic /ˈeθnɪk/ 民族的,种族的
in relation to = for 关于...,就... 而论
utterance 用言语的表达
be spoiled 被溺爱
pamper /ˈpæmpə(r)/ 娇惯
besides vs in addition:besides 递进,in addition 对等
even though vs although:even though > although
Writing Task 2 首段:背景句 + 话题句 + 观点句(e.g. Nowadays,a wide range of food products has become available in shops and there are plenty of ways that it can be produced,packaged and sold.As a result,there are many different attitudes towards food,and not everyone makes the same decisions when they go shopping.)
总阶段句首:In all,In conclusion,Overall

Writing Task 2

  • 散文式议论文(discursive essay)
  • 可能包含不止一个的话题
  • 超过 250 字,大约耗时 40min
  • 时刻谨记作文四标准 TA,CC,LR,GRA


  • 单边:To what extent do you agree or disagree? 重点考察个人观点,可以在首段即给出个人观点,主体段得有明显的倾向性,切勿完全折中
  • 双边:Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 讨论两方面观点后再给出个人观点
  • 利弊:Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? 重点在于解释题目的优缺点,并在对比后说明孰优孰劣。
  • 两问:What are the causes? What can be done to deal with it? 往往会以原因和解决方案的方式展开,针对某一个社会现象或问题让学生分析原因后给出解决方案,写作分段根据题目逻辑展开即可

例子 2
Write about the following topic.
Most people are not interested in how their food has been produced.They only care about how much it costs.
How true is this statement? What influences people when they buy food?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Writing Plan

  • Para.1 - many ways to buy food/ many attitudes
  • Para.2 - 1st influence: suit lifestyle eg. no time, large family
  • Para.3 - 2nd influence: lots time to prepare -eg. production and quality
  • Para.4 - 3rd influence: location - cheap food - eg. in my country
  • Para.5 – conclusion: cost one factor/ some value quality about it.

例子 2
Write about the following topic.
Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools and parents are responsible for solving this problem.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


  • Is it true that many children have an unhealthy lifestyle? Why?
  • Are parents responsible? Why? What should they do?
  • Are schools responsible? Why? What should they do?
  • Is anyone else responsible? Who?

社会,个人 的角度考虑 经济,教育,环境,文化,政策 方面的问题

判断题 5 考点

  • 比较考点,问题一般是无中生有的比较,或者说强加因果,亦或是比较双方位置颠倒了,基本如果找到原文对应句后想一想就觉得扯淡,所以很多情况都是 NG
  • 绝对考点,only,all,must,every,never,impossible,基本都是 F,当然还是要具体问题具体对待,也有可能是 T
  • 数字考点,注意同义词替换含义是否一致,数字是否对的上
  • 逻辑考点,看清同义词替换,是否一致,前因后果有没有颠倒
  • 是非考点,关键是观察题干中的几个成分(主,谓,定,状)在文章中的变化情况,主语是否改变,改变即为 NG,具体问题具体对待


  • 先去原文中找题目中的比较双方,如果一方在原文中没出现,NG
  • 如果双方都在原文中出现过,判断是否有比较关系,如果没有,NG
  • 如果出现比较,是否一致,如果比较的内容不一致,NG
  • 如果比较的内容也一致,比较双方的位置是否正确来判断 YES or NO|True or False

# 如何利用题干和原文的范围描述来区分答案为 TRUE or NOT GIVEN?

题目中涉及到的范围 < 原文中涉及的范围,则NG;反之,True。

原文:Public health experts believe if we really want to promote health alongside excellence in sport, then it should be linked by endorsements to products which support good health, and not to unhealthy products.


题目:Many people believe that sponsors should not be allowed to promote unhealthy products.

原文主语人针对题目主语专家来说是小范围,是属于各种各样的人中的一种,专家也是人,所以很多专家认为等同于很多人认为, 所以答案为 TRUE.


原文:Many people believe that sponsors should not be allowed to promote unhealthy products.


题目:Public health experts believe if we really want to promote health alongside excellence in sport, then it should be linked by endorsements to products which support good health, and not to unhealthy products.


这回题目范围小于原文范围,很多人不一定就是很多专家,那么就无法判断,答案应该为 NG。

其实,有个很好的方法,就是如果感觉按着出题者的顺序不好判断的话,就把文章和题目对调一下,如果是对的,那么答案一定是 NG。

再举一个例子,来自剑 7 Test 4 Passage 2 Q14-20

原文:All five species of Pacific salmon including sockeye and pink salmon spawn in Alaskan waters, and 90% of all Pacific salmon commercially caught in North America are produced there.

所有的五种太平洋鲑鱼包括红鲑和粉红鲑 - 都在阿拉斯加水域产卵,北美捕捞的 90% 的太平洋鲑鱼都来自这里。

题目:Ninety per cent of all Pacific salmon caught are sockeye or pink salmon.

太平洋里捕捞的 90% 的鲑鱼都是红鲑或粉红鲑。

重点似乎不在问中的北美而题干范围为太平洋上,文中提到了北美捕捞的 90% 太平洋鲑鱼都来自于阿拉斯加,而题目中的 sockeye 红鲑和 pink salmon 粉红鲑虽然属于文中提到的五种太平洋鲑鱼中的范围内,但是并不能代表所有捕捞的太平洋里的鲑鱼就只是这两种。 题目涉及范围小于原文涉及范围,无法判断,所以答案为 NG。

原文:Ninety per cent of all Pacific salmon caught are sockeye or pink salmon.

太平洋里捕捞的 90% 的鲑鱼都是红鲑或粉红鲑。

题目:All five species of Pacific salmon including sockeye and pink salmon spawn in Alaskan waters, and 90% of all Pacific salmon commercially caught in North America are produced there.

所有的五种太平洋包括红鲑和粉红鲑 - 都在阿拉斯加水域产卵,北美捕捞的 90% 的太平洋鲑鱼都来自这里。

题目中的红鲑和粉红硅属于原文中的太平洋鲑鱼,成立,答案为 TRUE。

摘自大揭秘 | 关于雅思阅读判断题的范围问题!

# 听力词汇

soft drink 软饮(without alcohol)
beverage 饮料
refreshment 茶点,点心和饮料
hot chocolate 巧克力热饮
chocolate bar 巧克力棒
olive oil 橄榄油
shark oil 鲨鱼油
lamb 羔羊肉
salad bar 沙拉吧台
sandwich 三明治
pizza 比萨
cream 奶油
seafood 海鲜(一个词)
burger 汉堡
cheese 芝ˈælədʒ士
nut 坚果
organic 有机的
picnic 野餐
snack kit 便当盒,餐盒
buffet 自助餐
evening meal 晚餐(同 dinner)
catering 承办酒席,提供餐饮
half board 半住宿
full board 全住宿
vegetarian 素食主义者
nutrition 营养
apron /ˈeɪprən/ 围裙
grill /ɡrɪl/ 烤
allergy /ˈælədʒ/ 过敏反应

recruitment 招聘
employment 雇佣
employer 雇主
employee 雇员
vacancy 空位
occupation 职位
work placement 工作实习
internship /ˈɪntɜːnʃɪp/ 实习生,实习期
apprenticeship /əˈprentɪʃɪp/ 学徒期,学徒身份(ce 不发音)
probationary /prəˈbeɪʃnri/ 试用的,见习的
temporary 暂时的
permanent 永久的
part-time 兼职的
full-time 全职的
assign 布置(任务,工作)
candidate 候选人
applicant 申请人
enroll 登记,注册
register 登记,注册
day-off 休息日
national holiday 国定假日
day shift 白班
night shift 夜班
Are you on the night shift or the day shift?
interview 面试官
interviewee 参加面试的人
resume /rɪˈzjuːm/ 简历(CV)
passport photo 护照照片
recommendation letter 推荐信(reference letter)
referee /ˌrefəˈriː/ 推荐人
quality 人品,素质
think quickly 快速思考
qualification 资格,资格证书
certification 证书
annually 每年地
salary 工资(wage)
fringe benefit 额外福利(fringe 边缘,边缘的)
insurance 保险

branch manager 分店经理
businessman 商人
salesman 售货员
cashier 收银员
lawyer 律师
designer 设计师
reporter 记者,通讯员
researcher 调查员
hairdresser 理发师
charity worker 慈善工作者
volunteer 志愿者
dentist 牙医
artist 艺术家,画家
scientist 科学家
pianist /ˈpɪənɪst/ 钢琴家
receptionist 接待员
musician 音乐家
technician 技师
electrician 电工
politician 政治家
guardian /ˈɡɑːdiən/ 守护者,监护人
librarian /laɪˈbreəriən/ 图书管理员
engineer 工程师
cleaner 清洁工
computer programmer 计算机程序设计员
photographer /fəˈtɒɡrəfə(r)/ 摄影师
blue-collar worker 蓝领
editor 编辑
author 作者
translator 翻译
director 导演,主任
instructor 教练,导师
pilot 飞行员
guide 向导
guard 保安
secretary /ˈsekrətri/ 秘书
accountant 会计
clerk 职员
clerical assistant /ˈklerɪkl əˈsɪstənt/ 助理文员
coach 教练
chef /ʃef/ 厨师(cook)
agent 代理
answer the phone 接听电话
wait the table 服侍一桌(的客人)
wash up 刷盘子

advertisement /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ 广告(advert 注意)
leaflet 单页,传单(flier 传单,小广告,飞行员)
brochure /ˈbrəʊʃə(r)/ 宣传册(booklet)
newsletter 简报
website 网站
online 网上的
internet 互联网
guidebook 旅游指南
relative 亲戚
colleague /ˈkɒliːɡ/ 同事

ID Document
passport 护照
visa 签证
student card 学生证
bank statement 银行结单
driving license 驾照
utility bill 物业账单

means of transportation 交通方式
bicycl 自行车(bike)
go cycling 骑自行车兜风
minibus 小型公交车
coach 大巴
airport shuttle /ˈʃʌtl/ 机场穿梭巴士(subtle ˈsʌtl 微妙的)
private car 私家车
cable car 缆车(cable 缆绳)
lorry 卡车(truck)
car rental 汽车租赁
cab 出租车(taxi)
express train 快速列车
metro 地铁(subway,underground)
ship 船
ferry 轮渡
boat 小船
yacht /jɒt/ 游艇
canoe /kəˈnuː/ 独木舟
airplane 飞机
helicopter 直升飞机
jet plane 喷气式飞机
satellite 卫星
rocket 火箭
tram /træm/ 有轨电车
solar car 太阳能汽车
horse 马
carriage /ˈkærɪdʒ/ 四轮马车(wagon)
van 客货车
caravan /ˈkærəvæn/ 拖车,大篷车(房车)
racing car 赛车
station wagon /wæɡən/ 旅行轿车
limo 大型豪华轿车(加长车)
SUV 运动多功能车
engine size 汽车排量
liter 升
turbo 涡轮增压机

# 中级词汇

artefact n. 工艺品,人工制品
verbal adj. 口语的,动词的
cassette n. 盒式磁带
painstaking 艰苦的,勤勉的


# 2022.6.11 口语上课 2 题 & 作业 1 题

Describe somewhere you like to shop for food.

You should say:

  • where this place is
  • what this place is like
  • what you buy there

and explain why you like buying food at this place.

Describe a meal that you enjoyed in a restaurant.

You should say:

  • where the restaurant was
  • what you ate
  • who ate the meal with you

and explain why you enjoyed eating the meal so much.

Describe a person who you follow on social media.

You should say:

  • where the person is
  • how you knew him/her
  • what he/she post on social media

and explain why you follow him/her on social media.

# 阅读练习

剑 16 Test 3 Passage 2 Q14-19

  1. an explanation for weapons being left behind in the mountains
    D: At the edges of the contracting ice patches, archaeologists found more than 2,000 artefacts, which formed a material record that ran from 4,000 BCE to the beginnings of the Renaissance in the 14th century. Many of the artefacts are associated with hunting. Hunters would have easily misplaced arrows and they often discarded broken bows rather than take them all the way home. Other items could have been used by hunters traversing the high mountain passes of Oppland: all-purpose items like tools, skis, and horse tack.

contracting 收缩的(还有与... 订立合同的意思)
ice patches 冰块
archaeologists 考古学家
artefacts 人工制品
BCE 公元前
misplaced 错放(过去式),不适当的
discarded 丢弃(过去式)
traversing 遍历,穿越,通过
skis 滑雪板
horse tack 马钉

在 “段落匹配信息” 这类题目中,经常会有诸如 reference、account、explanation、mention、reference 等词汇出现,它们表达的意思都是 “提到、说到”,注意不要误解此处的词义。本题干意思清楚,也不包含任何生僻词汇。只需要找到和 weapons 一词相关的信息,即可定位答案。在平行阅读的时候我们会发现此题的相关信息位于 D 段,原文中使用了 artefacts...associated with hunting (与狩猎相关的物品) 进行同义替换,并且在下一句中举例,箭头很容易被猎人放错位置或是那些损坏的弓会被遗弃掉。

  1. examples of items that would have been traded
    G: Many of the artefacts Barrett's team recovered date from the beginning of the Viking Age, the 700s through to the 900s CE. Trade networks connecting Scandinavia with Europe and the Middle East were expanding around this time. Although we usually think of ships when we think of Scandinavian expansion, these recent discoveries show that plenty of goods travelled on overland routes, like the mountain passes of Oppland. And growing Norwegian towns, along with export markets, would have created a booming demand for hides to fight off the cold, as well as antlers to make useful things like combs. Business must have been good for hunters.

Many of the artefacts Barrett's team recovered date from the beginning of the Viking Age, the 700s through to the 900s CE.

overland 转地放牧,由陆路长途跋涉
antlers 鹿角
comb 梳子

G 部分倒数第二句:And growing Norwegian...thinks like combs. 本题可以快速定位到 G 段,也就是讲述关于维京时代的贸易商业的段落。其中提到贸易路线以及贸易港口的发展刺激了兽皮和鹿角的交易,也就是题干中提到的 examples。


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