# 邂逅词汇

boulevard /ˈbuːləvɑːd/ 林荫大道,林阴道(avenue)
reckon /ˈrekən/ 估计,认为
federal 联邦的
conceal 隐瞒
deem 认为,视作
massive 大量的
hydrogen 氢
nitrogen 氮
install 安装,任命
mortgage 按揭
allowance 津贴(subsidy)
currency 货币
bonus 奖金
salary 薪水
compensation 补偿
cash 现金
credit 信用卡
check 支票(cheque)
deposit 订金,订钱,押金
installment 分期付款
balance 余额,结欠
revenue 收益,税收
income 收入
debt 债务
profit 盈利
down payment 首付
instalment /ɪnˈstɔːlmənt/ 分期付款中(第一期)
reproduction 繁殖(reproduce,breed)
protect sth. from sth. 让…… 免遭于……
erosion = contaminate = stain 腐蚀,污点,污渍
containment 遏制,控制
contribute to = result in = lead to = link to = responsible for 导致
seize 抓住,夺
gaze 凝视,注释,盯着
seize the gaze from different nations 抓住不同国家的目光
fracture 骨折,断裂
brochure = leaflets = flier 飞页,传单
delicate 精致的,精美的,脆弱的
unspoiled 未被破坏的(spoil 溺爱,破坏)
punctuation /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃn/ 标点符号
punctual 守时的
startle /ˈstɑːtl/ 受惊吓,吃惊
exhaust 耗尽
ongoing 进行
detached /dɪˈtætʃt/ 独立的
detach 派遣,(使)分离
detect 发现,查明
perceive 感觉,察觉,理解
literary 文学的,书面的
composition /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn/ 作文,成分,构成

# 听力词汇

elastic 弹性的
metallic 金属的
tone /təʊn/ 语气,口气,腔调
town /taʊn/ 城镇,集市
concentrate 集中 (注意力),聚精会神,(使) 浓缩,浓缩物
concern 关注
concentrate on 关注
gene 基因
general 全体的
bookshelf 书架
part-time 兼职(full-time 全职)
digestion 消化(digest)
January 一月
drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧性事件
cookery 烹饪术,烹饪
rock climbing 攀岩运动
wetsuite 潜水服,防寒泳衣(wet 和 suite 连在一块的!!!)
fog 烟,雾(smog,haze 霾)
poetry 诗歌(poem 诗,韵文,poet 诗人)
portrait /ˈpɔːtreɪt/ 半身像,肖像
moist = humid =wet = damp /dæmp/ 潮湿
eye-contact 眼神交流
unnatural 不自然的
intact 完好无损的
predictable 可预测到的
carpets 地毯
therapy 治疗,疗法
tutor 私人教师
item 物品
seminar 研讨会
harp 竖琴
budget 预算
session 会议
instinctive 本能的
responsibility 责任
adequate 足够的
privacy 隐私,私密
overdue 延误的,过期
other planets 其他行星
navigate 导航
chemistry 化学
tour 旅行
signal 信号
monthly 每月地
shady 背阴的
stadium 露天体育场
Italy 意大利
invitation 邀请
supervise 监督
economy 经济
assumption 假定
presentation 展示,报告
downhill 下坡
autobiography 自传
workshop 车间
workbook 练习册
clubroom 俱乐部聚会室
facility 设施
relationship 关系
wetland 湿地公园
lid 盖子
chocolate bar 巧克力棒
pattern 模式
guest 客人
sedentary /ˈsedntri/ 习惯于久坐的
antibiotics 抗生素(连在一起的!!!)
span /spæn/ 跨度,范围(lifespan 寿命)
wealthy 富有的
pottery 陶器

# 听力:匹配题

# 6-1-2


  • 日期(2020 年 11 月 25 日 = 25.11.2020 = 25 November 2020)生日只需要写月日,不需要写年
  • 时间(5 点 45 = 5.45)所听即所得,没有念到 am 或 pm 就不需要写,也不需要换算成 24h 制
  • 价格(100 磅 = 100 pounds)注意题目是否给你写了货币符号
  • 百分比 percent,per cent,%皆可
  • 专有名词首字母大写
  • 合成词 注意题目的格式和数字要求,有些词只能加连字符或只能分开写,一定要区分,具体可以看语料库的总结

# 10-2-2

Then on to South America – and here the theme is El Dorado – games replicating the search for mines full of precious stones.

好吧我没在意 precious,顾着想是否是科多帕希火山了。同替:precious stones = jewels

Eastwards to Europe then, and perhaps the most traditional choice of all the areas: medieval castles and other fortifications.

第 19 题同替:medieval castles and other fortifications = ancient forts

As many of you may know, the idea for these initiatives came from you, the public, in the extensive consultation exercise which the City Council conducted last year.

第 11 题实在是不应该错啊,太不应该了,都说了 came from you,the public 了,肯定是来自于 local people 的 idea 啊

Now, there has been quite a bit of discussion in the local press about whether there would be enough room for the number of visitors we're hoping to attract, but the design is deceptive and there have been rigorous checks about capacity.

我感觉 13 题有点东西,首先当你听到 local press 就应该快速对应上第 13 题中的 local newspapers,然后紧接着就来到了 whether there would be enough room,如果能反应过来,那就能做对了。

# 14-3-2

这篇反应的问题怪严重的,part3 的匹配题难度明显上升了。

The songs take the listeners back to their youth, and for a little while they can forget the difficulties that they face now.

take the listeners back to their youth = remember past times

Minh visits a young man who lives alone and can't leave his home on his own, so he hardly ever saw anyone.

lives alone 表明 Minh 帮助的这个人是很孤独的,很快能联想到 escape isolation,以后要多注意

By calmly talking over possible solutions with family members, he's helping them to realise that they aren't helpless, and that they can do something themselves to improve their situation.

do something themselves = solve problems independently

# 12-6-2


The play we're seeing on Wednesday evening is a modern one, and we're going to the premiere, so it'll be quite a dressy occasion, though of course you don't have to dress formally.

premiere 首映式,所以 F 项中 for the first time 符合题意

On Thursday we're seeing a play that was first performed last year, when it was commissioned to mark a hundred years since the birth in the town of a well-known scientist.

去年是第一次演出,所以别被它迷惑,后面 mark a hundred years since the birth,与选项 B 中的 celebrate an anniversay 相对应

And after having a day off on Sunday, our final play is on Monday, and it's in the stunning setting of the old Town Hall, which dates back to the 14th century.

setting of the old Town Hall = will be performed inside a historic building,这题我大意了,做对了选错了:&(蛆音娘_大笑)

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