# 邂逅词汇

fishmonger 鱼贩子
counter 柜台,计数器
psychology 心理
step pricing 阶梯式定价
coupon 优惠券
aspect 方面,层面,样子
perspective 态度,观点,思考方法
prospect 展望,前景,前途
for sale 在售中
on sale 打折中
clerical assistant 政府文书助理
vibe /vaɪb/ 感应,气氛
beverage 饮料
chewing gums 口香糖
hypocritical 伪善的
bricks and mortar = physical shop 实体店
parallel 并行的,平行的(parallel computing 并行计算)
concurrent 并发的,同时发生的,并存的
meanwhile 同时
chorus /ˈkɔːrəs/ 副歌,合唱队
simultaneously 同时,联立,急切地,网络同时地(at the same time,concurrently,in chorus,at once,all together,meanwhile)
artificial 人工的
handcraft 手工的
folk 民间的,大伙,各位
manufacture 制造业
infrastructure 基础设施建设
brake /breɪk/ 刹车,制动器
brick /brɪk/ 砖块
mass tourism 大众旅游
alternatetively /ɔ:lˈtɜ:nətɪvli/ 二者择一地,要不然,或者
economy 经济
economic 经济的
economical 经济实惠的
economics 经济学,经济情况
penetrate /ˈpenəˌtreɪt/ 渗透
oases /əʊˈeɪsiːz/ (沙漠中的) 绿洲,(困苦中) 令人快慰的地方 (或时刻),乐土,乐事
deprave 堕落(depravity,depravation)
corruption 腐败
eruption 喷发,长(萌)出,爆(喷)发
monologues 独白 plural(可数名词)
forums /ˈfɔːrəm/ 论坛 plural(可数名词)
acoustic /əˈkuːstɪk/ 声学的,原声的
blur (使) 变得模糊不清,模糊形状
dignitary 达官贵人,显贵
dignity 庄重,庄严,尊严
revival /rɪˈvaɪvl/ 进步,振兴,复苏,重演
premiere /ˈpremieə/ 首映式
rehearsal /rɪˈhɜːsl/ 排练,演习,预算
vigorous 充满活力的
rigorous 缜密的
renown 名誉,声望(renowned 著名的,受尊敬的)
contractor 承包人
consultation 咨询
medieval /ˌmediˈiːvl/ 中世纪
deceptive /dɪˈseptɪv/ 骗人的

# 听力 6.22 PART-4 & 昨天没做完的匹配题

# 12-7-4 PART-4

shiny 有光泽的,反光的
silvery substance 银色物质
thermometers /θəˈmɒmɪtəz/ 温度计 plural(可数名词)
ingest 摄入
excrete /ɪkˈskriːt/ 排泄
more subtle sub-effects 更加微妙的子效果
exposed 暴露的,易受攻击的,无保护的
contaminate 污染,腐蚀
exposure /ɪkˈspəʊʒə/ 面临,遭受,暴露,显露,曝光
implication 可能的影响 (或作用、结果),含意,暗指,(被) 牵连,牵涉
substantial 重大的
potential 潜在的
come down to (问题、决定等)归结为
go beyond 超出


The lab-based studies have the advantage that you don't get all the variables you would in a natural setting, so the experimenter has a much higher level of control, and that means they can be more confident about their results in some ways.

allow more control for the experimenter = the experimenter has a much higher level of control

# 9-1-4 PART-4

tide 潮汐(tide energy 潮汐能)
strand 搁浅(death stranding 死亡搁浅)
parasite 寄生虫
accidental 意外的,偶然的


Unfortunately, this type of event is a frequent occurrence in some of the locations that you'll be travelling to, where sometimes the tide goes out suddenly, confusing the animals.

in areas where the tides can change quickly = tides goes out suddenly

However, this idea does not seem to hold true for the majority of mass strandings because examination of the animals' stomach contents reveal that most had not been feeding as they stranded.

Unlikely because the majority of animals were not ( ) when they stranded

所听即所得,就是 feeding

This is a particularly interesting theory since the whales that are thought to be most social - the toothed whales - are the group that strand the most frequently.


# 语法(冠词)

# 阅读 p52 选词摘要

# 阅读题型特点及总结

TFNG 句子理解判断题顺序原则、全文出题、细节题、连续相同答案出现个数 < 3划取题干关键词、分析题目出题点、扫读定位答案句、根据判断原则解题
Summary 填词 / 选词式摘要要填词所有词均来自原文、不论是填空式概括,还是选择式概括,每道题都是对原文一句话或者几句话的同义改写、基本顺序(偶尔乱序,选择式概括有时候某些题会乱序)、同义替换,题目不是原文重现,而是对原文的同义改写和概括仔细阅读题目要求,概括出自文章的哪一部分,全篇还是某几段,注意答案字数限制、对于未标明指定段落的,精度概括首句或是第一个空格前的句子,利用句中的关键词或定位词找出它在原文中的出处、标出关键词并分析预测待填词的词性和词义、读概括对应的原文部分,找出答案
Headings 段落中心思想题首二末一、有例题、考察主旨、干扰项读题、划掉例题、读段落
Match 段落信息匹配题题干信息高度概括、乱序(选项代表每个段落,所以题目必定是乱序的)、答案句并不出现在段首尾、抽象名词具体化,集合名词个体化划 题干关键信息(不管是什么词)、解 分析题目(抽象信息具体化,……)、记 记住多个分析后的内容、读 文章段落顺序读
Match 细节匹配题不要拘泥于题干信息,因为你看不懂的、以上这两种 march 题都属于细节题,不能像 heading 题一样直接同义词改写对应主旨句、然而如果把握住各段的主旨和结构对细节的定位是有帮助的找到选项在文章中的位置(哪一段)、细心阅读这一段、找到与题干信息相一致的那一句、相当于参照选项(段落序号)确定题干(细节改写相匹配内容)
Table 完成笔记、表格、流程图题目字数要求、基本符合顺序原则、原文原词、小标题助定位、答案位置对应题号划取题干关键词、预判答案词性和类型、扫读确定答案位置、根据预判确定符合句义的答案,注意同义替换和拼写


# 6.21 写作 Task

Write about the following topic.

The media pay too much attention to the lives and relationships of celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers. They should spend more time reporting the lives of ordinary people instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Writing plan

  • introduction:paraphrase topic & 表明观点,同意,支持多关注普通人生活
  • 让步,赞同盈利为本,并且例举名人报道带来的优势,但过度?过渡到下一段影响
  • 影响,sorting,明星本人,社会
  • By contrast 与关注普通人相比,为什么需要 more 关注?extension,为什么会带来好处?example
  • conclusion:多关注普通人生活确实很重要

Nowadays,when it comes to the stunning private information of some celebrities who talented with music,performance and sports,the media must be the first to know about it and spread it away on the Internet,with less and less reports on about the ordinary people.I think there should have more highlights on ordinary people's life.

Indeed,it's understandable that the media have more interests on well-known people,the aim of media's reporting is to make profit.With more attention on the celebrities,the public can know more about the celebrities and at the same time,most of the people with insufficient fame enjoy the feeling of being talked by the public and gain the reputation.However,if too much attention is paid to celebrities,it will have a great impact on celebrities themselves and society.

For the stars themselves, once the attention reaches an expected point, after that, they actually don't want to be so concerned anymore. After all, the media will even bother them endlessly and expose their privacy.In addition,excessive coverage of them will occupy too many social resources, people blindly follow some celebrities, and even lead to the distortion of values. Any turning point or unexpected information about celebrities may lead to people's discussions and the social uproar.

By contrast,if the socail media spare more space to report the ordinary people's life,they will find meaningful to do it gradually.As public service advertisements bring to people, ordinary people's affairs are the things closest to ourselves. Reporting ordinary people will make more ordinary people appear on the screen, and everyone will have the opportunity to be the protagonist to show their own characteristics and tell their stories to the public. Gradually, this kind of ethos will bring harmony and benign progress to the whole society.Once my high school teacher found that the popularity of celebrities in the class was too high. In order to stop the development of this situation, she asked us to try to introduce our daily life to everyone in turn. Gradually, we began to think it was very meaningful rather than chasing the super stars.

To sum up, no matter what the media report, it can't overdo it and ignore the other side.More reports on ordinary people's lives will bring social progress,so it is necessary.

6.21 阅读写作.pdf

# workbook unit4



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